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Jun, 2023

Tots Program Information

Welcome to the 2023 Cohoes Rec Fall Soccer Tots Program!

The intent of the Tots Division is to lay the foundation for learning the fundamentals of soccer and to have fun. Over the course of the 8-session program, your child will participate in such things as: warm-ups; learning to dribbling; passing drills, etc…

The Tots will program will take place on the former baseball field at Abram Lansing. The kids will be divided into 5-7 groups during each session and will rotate to different stations.

Please have your child come with his/her own soccer ball (size 3) if you have one. Remember to wear your cleats and shin guards (if possible), and to come with a drink.

Some parents have already volunteered to assist with each session, which is great considering the number of kids.

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